Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program – Equera

Service Details

Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program – Entrepreneur (SINP-E)

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program – Entrepreneur Stream (SINP-E) offers business-minded individuals an opportunity to establish or manage a business in Saskatchewan and eventually secure permanent residency. The process is structured in several stages, starting with the submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI) and culminating in nomination for permanent residency.

Application Process

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI):
    • Applicants begin by filing an EOI with the SINP-E.
    • EOIs are reviewed and ranked based on the points criteria grid, which assesses factors such as:
      • Age
      • Exploratory visits
      • Language ability
      • Qualifications
      • Net worth (higher net worth yields higher scores)
      • Entrepreneurial experience
      • Innovation and proposed investment amount
      • Economic impact on Saskatchewan
  2. Invitation to Apply:
    • High-ranking candidates are invited to apply for the Provincial Nomination Program.
    • Upon approval, applicants receive an endorsement to apply for a two-year temporary work permit, which must be submitted to the federal government within three months.
  3. Business Establishment:
    • During the two-year period on the work permit, applicants are required to:
      • Enter into a Business Performance Agreement (BPA).
      • Implement their Business Establishment Plan (BEP), which must demonstrate alignment with Section 87 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR).
  4. Nomination for Permanent Residency:
    • Once the obligations under the BPA are fulfilled, applicants can apply for nomination through the SINP.
    • With the nomination, they can then submit an application for permanent residency to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Eligibility Criteria

To file an EOI under the SINP-E, applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Net Worth: Possess at least $500,000 CAD in verifiable business and personal assets.
  • Experience: Have a minimum of three years of entrepreneurial or business management experience within the past 10 years.
  • Investment:
    • Commit to investing a minimum of $300,000 CAD in Regina or Saskatoon.
    • Alternatively, invest at least $200,000 CAD in other areas of Saskatchewan.

Key Steps After Approval

  • After meeting the initial criteria and receiving a letter of recommendation, applicants are eligible for a temporary work permit.
  • They must adhere to the terms outlined in the BPA during their work permit period.
  • Upon successfully meeting their obligations, applicants can apply for a nomination through the SINP, enabling them to proceed with their permanent residency application.

The SINP-E provides a pathway for entrepreneurs to actively contribute to Saskatchewan’s economy while establishing a foundation for their long-term residency in Canada.

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Contact Info

Mon - Frd : 8:00 -16:00
+020.098.456 11

Office Address

28 Valencia Street, New York United States of America